Getting clients is one of the main objectives of any business. And it is that if not, it would not be profitable or viable.

However, to capture the attention of the market and start closing sales, it is necessary to have a product or service that meets the characteristics and benefits that your audience is looking for.×150&cht=qr&chl= thackeray 

Get clients: needs or wishes.

You may have heard that the most advisable thing is to focus on the desires of your audience, that is, on what they want to buy, rather than on what they really need.

Because at the end of the day, the sale of this type of product will be easier and faster than if you take another path.

The reality is that when you launch a message focused on desire, you will catch the user’s attention almost immediately, but the consequences of taking this route will be reflected in the results your clients achieve.

These results will be practically nil because what you sold them was not what they needed. And only what they really need is what will help them achieve the results they want to achieve.

The solution to having a more effective business

The most honest and what works best is that what you offer is what people need. In this way, you will contribute to completing the change they want to make. And if it is complicated, you must communicate it.

Although you think that this way it will be more difficult to get clients, it will not be like that.

The key is to educate your clients. And in this process, the desires and needs of that group of people you are addressing must be coherently united.

That is, the ideal is to find a balance. Do not focus exclusively on selling what they want without including values ​​or effort. Nor do we put 100% focus on needs and forget about your wishes.

The strength is in the joining. The best thing is to create a message in which it is especially clear that your offer will help them get what they want, but at the same time, you should explain, advise and educate them towards what they need.

How to unlock the first decision

Opening the first door of your business is the most complicated step of all when it comes to getting customers. It is the time when you should put more emphasis on the wishes of your audience.

One option to tackle this moment is to create a free product that helps you establish the first contact with your audience. And at the same time, create a message focused on what those people want to attract them to your offer.

Once you have taken action with this first decision, if only to purchase a free product, it is time to pivot towards what you really need, which is what will help you solve your problem and achieve results.

There begins the process of user education.

The secret to getting clients who want to work with you

Once you have unlocked the first decision and know what your customer needs and how to pass it on, it’s time for you to start developing a successful personal brand.

The reason is that when you get it, not only will they pay you for the results you offer, or for what you do, but they will pay you for who you are.

Like any article of clothing, it has a higher price when it is from a recognized brand than when it is not, a service provided by a reference professional may also have it.

If you have a reinforced personal brand, the client will pay an extra for it. She just wants to work with you, not with someone else. And you will be willing to bear that associated cost.

Developing your personal brand implies being able to increase your rates and also your client list. But the truth is that it is a job that wants dedication and effort.