Elon musk trading and an army of devoted traders follows. In the days after he engineered the deal to buy Twitter, for instance, shares of GameStop jumped one day after a Musk tweet that simply read “Gamestonk” — a reference to the 1999 techno song by DJ Darude. Meanwhile, the stocks of Polish video game developer CD Projekt Red and bitcoin soared after Musk added a #bitcoin hashtag to his Twitter bio.
Traders have been warned by professionals to take caution when it comes to using Musk’s Twitter ramblings for investment advice. “When stock prices detach from fundamental trends, it’s a warning sign,” says a portfolio manager at Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company. “People need to invest in companies that make products and services they believe in, sell when they think those products are trending worse.”
Elon Musk’s Crypto Adventures: How His Tweets Move Digital Currency Markets
A number of online users have found Elon Musk Trading, an app for automatic investments. Supposedly associated with Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter founder Elon Musk, the app’s popularity has caused it to be a target for scammers.
The alleged Elon Musk trading platform offers several benefits, including the potential for high returns and cryptocurrency diversification. Other features include real-time market data, user-friendly interfaces and secure transactions.