The Greeks may be responsible for geometry, the alarm clock, democracy, and central heating but one thing they definitely didn’t invent is a machine that could lift heavy building materials. That was left to the Romans who perfected it in a machine called a crane and it’s been in use ever since.

A lifting cranes long arms (booms) act like levers. The center pin is the fulcrum, the load being lifted is the resistance force and the engine provides the effort force. The crane uses pulleys to change the direction of the force so that it can lift or lower heavy loads in a shorter distance.

For a crane to do its job properly it needs the right rigging gear. The type of rigging needed will depend on what the crane is going to be lifting and how high it is going to be doing it.

Lifting Cranes: Essential Equipment for Construction and Industrial Projects

Cranes are equipped with safety features to prevent accidents and injuries, including safety interlocks, anti-two block devices and limit switches that ensure the crane stays within its designated area. They are also designed to withstand wind and other weather conditions that can cause instability.

The person in charge of creating a lift plan for a crane must visit the site to make sure that the equipment can be used safely and that the ground conditions will support the weight of the crane, the materials it’s going to be lifting and that there are no obstructions in the area where the lift is taking place. The qualified person should also check the crane and rigging equipment regularly, ensuring that it is in good working order and free from common faults and defects.